Smaller than Life
Why a blog? Simple. Cacoethes Scribendi -- the urge to write! My literary pretensions and caprices bring me here. Like any writer I write to be read. All my posts, though fettered to my small world and trivially myopic, will live and yearn that somebody connects to them someday. Cognitive frenzies, sardonic musings, aimless banters, incoherent ramblings and trivial indulgences; this is simply an episodic narrative of my trivial world -- in a grain of sand… Smaller than Life.
Graffiti |
When I am dead, - Hillaire Belloc |
This is my letter to the world
Her message is committed - Emily Dickinson |
The thoughts of our past years - William Wordsworth |
Yours Truly
Name: Dileepan Lampoon me at: panvista@gmail.comOn the Stands Stunned Watching pool in Vegas A calypso for the master Spilt tea Willows and Whites Observations on Sachin Tendulkar "Fifty-Five" Poetry A Morning... A Nameless Poem Sheaves on the Shelf January 2011 December 2009 March 2007 August 2006 February 2006 November 2005 October 2005 August 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004 April 2004 March 2004 February 2004 January 2004 December 2003 October 2003 Buy my Book |
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Hanging up my boots! That was it. My hostel room – the ambience and the paraphernalia – was now all packed up. Into three large bags and two larger suitcases. Otherwise empty. I would now be leaving the place forever. For the first time it hit me hard that ‘my room’ was a mere eight feet by twelve feet by ten feet enclosure; dark and arsenal-like. It had stood witness to many a turbulent struggle that my heart had waged and many an encumbrance that my mind had battled against. It had risen and stood Spartan-like amidst all my emotional upheavals and had withstood the barrage of rhetoric that had sprung up from them. It had been my battlefield of many a soul-searching crusade, the rendezvous of many an unrequited romance. The carefully stuck posters of seductively pouting actresses, the white charts on the wall that flaunted proudly my scribblings of odd hours, the musky smell of my deodorant, haphazardly flung and strewn clothes waiting for the launderer; it had lived me just as I had lived in it. Till three minutes ago. Now, as I said, it was merely an empty eight feet by twelve feet by ten feet enclosure. A dark arsenal. I would be gone before the clock tower would boom the completion of the hour, leaving the room to the ants and the termites. I surveyed the last remnants that lay derelict in the room – the castaways of the sojourn. Few sheets of papers – mostly hurriedly scribbled reminders of many a day, a pair of worn out Adidas shoes, and a couple of coat-hangers. These were the only things that I, despite my best efforts to be dispassionately decisive, was able discard as useless. Packing had been a painful exercise. Whenever I was faced with the situation of having to discard a particular object, I would really find myself at the horns of dilemma. I would immediately begin to nauseate myself with all the memories associated with the objects. And finally decide that I couldn’t do without it at all! Beneficiaries of these spasmodic moments of indecision were, among others, two rusted razors, bills of the cafeteria, movie stubs, railway tickets, keychains, bottle caps, and even rupee coins and parchments that I had received from a special few! At the end of the packing ordeal, my heart had allowed me to leave behind only the aforesaid things. I surveyed the remnants one last time and was satisfied with the execution of my packing skills. “Sir, when are you leaving the place?” It was the local sweeper. A gaunt person of average physical stature, he seemed to me the only and ubiquitous sweeper in the place. He seldom spoke a pleonastic syllable; in fact, if it occurred to him that a mere waggle of the head or a gesticulation of the hand would suffice, he exercised that option straightaway. I saw him idle as many times as I saw him speak. In fact, in that God-forsaken place where people cared only for the small money that they got in return for their work (actually the lack of it) and looked for more avenues to fleece the docile, I thought he was one of the few that worked punctiliously, bothering little about rewards. “Sir, if you don’t have any use for them…” He was indicating the shoes that lay below the table. The shoes had been construed by me, at one point of time, as my ‘lucky shoes’. Faced with a painful decision to make, my eyes, by now tinted with some gratuitous nostalgia, scrutinised the pair once more. The neglected shoes lay tattered. Bereft of shape and torn at the toes. On a normal day, the first allegory to strike my mind would have been a dead monster – grotesque and mutilated in the battle; one that looks to have died after bellowing heart-rending cries – mouth open and tongue hanging out. But, as I told you, the lenses of my eyes were wearing a different tint today: one with shades of painful reminiscences and remorse. Every time I had worn the shoes for a cricket match, I had never returned to the pavilion without making at least a fifty. The only failure was of course the first match that I had played with them on. A first-ball duck. But one premise with respect to my life that I have always entertained is that good beginnings seldom end well. And miserably starts actually shape up quite well towards the end. The tale of the shoes was also in conformity with my self-constructed lemma. After the first blob, I never saw any more. Anyway, by now the shoes were now almost a part of me, after having been with me through my triumphs and tribulations for the whole of three and a half years. Every pore of the shoes now reeked of my sweat, my blood. Regardless of whether they had served me well or whether they had brought me good fortune, they had been a part and parcel of my lone stay through all these days. They were invaluable memorabilia in the most celebrated museum – my heart. I shook myself out of this strangulating sentimental reverie. I felt quite ashamed of myself for three full seconds. When you depart from a system that you have been a part of for sometime, you are really made to struggle to force yourself out of the inertia that the system has carried you into. In fact ounces of that inertia remain with you as lingering memories and habits. Even the most trivial things inflate themselves to such proportions and begin to bother you acutely. On a normal day, I would have disposed of these things without so much a second thought. Despite the various mind-boggling introspections late into the nights about the episodes of life and parting, my perspective had become skewed and had transcended all limits of reason in a matter of seconds. In those few seconds, I had crumbled like a house of cards. Shit. I felt abjectly disgusted with myself. One has to commend the verity of the universal truth that the retrospect view of things, in fact, sanctifies the whole canvas – the good patches and even the not-so-good. During parting we tend to retain with us only an Elysian view of things. All the unsavoury incidents and thoughts take a backseat. Even if they don’t, one looks at them in kinder light and approaches them with much more leniency. These are, without doubts, moments of weaknesses of the human mind and must be avoided as much as possible. I was not going to make a jackass of myself. I was not going to succumb to momentary pangs of insanity and bury all semblances of common sense. “You can take the shoes. I have no use for them anyway.” He needed to be told no more. At the slightest cue, he had reached out for the shoes. “Thank you, Saab. I shall be waiting just round the corner. Please call me if you have anything more left to give.” And his voice trailed away as he set about to resume his season-end quest in the next room, “Just round the corner, Saab.” There was nothing for me to feel heavy about, I assured myself as I saw him turn into the corner. I had done a good thing. After all, to me, the shoes were unusable, mere artefacts, mere glasses showcasing the yesterday; to him they were the currency for a meal tomorrow. In fact, I had noticed a momentary glint of anticipation and contentment in his eyes. I was doing the right thing, the humane thing. I would give him the other things too: more inanimate prisoners of my wildest caprices. I called out to him and began emptying the other things from my bag. I would dispose of them to him. After all, he was desperate for the stuff that henceforth will only be relegated to desuetude as mere adornments at some corner of my room. Even as he appeared within eyeshot, my eyes glimpsed at my inanimate co-passengers in a stretch of my cruise that was touted to be my best. What if they were all mine. What if they had brought me luck. What if they had lived though with me for the past three and a half years. What if they reeked of me. What if they had been witnesses to my transformation from a diffident nobody to a confident and self-assured leader of men. What if they were my only floodgates to the portals of my golden years – my youth… I ran up to him, grabbed the shoes from his sinewy hand and instead slid a fifty-rupee note into the now empty right palm as some sort of compensation and ran back to my room clutching dearly to my shoes. In no position to match his stare and offer an explanation for this daft act, I ran in and shut the door of my room behind me. The door closed on his shocked face that wore a gape, even as he stood paralysed by my inexplicable act of insanity …
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Thoppul is currently in my room challenging all my pretensions as a writer. I wish I could show him the future. Incidentally, I wish I could forebode my future too and the course it is destined to take. Am leaving for the beach now. Shall update the page with more breezy (!) thoughts later
Friday, December 26, 2003
My Best Four Years Like any other, I had lived many a dream. Dreams. Of being the archetypal college hero: the leader, the decision maker, the succour of all the weak, and the darling of all the professors. I had lived the dream well. This was my chance to live reality. And when I entered the hallowed lands of the university, a whole new life barged in ostentatiously. Almost like a cloudburst. And it ended. Suddenly. With deafening silence. Yes. College-life came tumultuously and left silently. Nothing in it really to call it ‘my best four years’. Far different from the hackneyed canvas that Cinema paints. No adulation of crowds after stellar performances; no riding the backs of frenetic admirers and supporters; circles of gushing damsels none to bright; life was far different from the mélange of revelry and stardom enjoyed on-screen by the stereotyped heroes. College life belied all my hopes, dreams and expectations. Fell flat. Well, make no mistake; I did carve myself a niche. If you asked me to catalogue up my achievements per se, I could state quite a slew of them. Academics I was always able to flaunt proudly. Literature and dramatics were my cups of tea, and sports, biscuits to go with the tea! Quite impressive they were, I can assure you. Well, enough to overawe any bystander or appraiser. Indeed, all of these things now flaunt themselves proudly on my resume. They make me appear a hard-nosed individual, self-made. Hard-nosed, certainly; only ‘all by myself’ replaces ‘self-made’ better. In a nutshell, I achieved most of what every entrant dreams during the day. Silently and solitarily. While I achieved what I was worth, college did little to rid me of my complexes and insecurities. If anything, it only heightened all of them and induced some new. The temerariously confident and the reassured grew more temerarious and reassured; some also-rans found some favours with the public either because they were just supremely confident with the sexes alike or because they knew the strings to pull. And I languished in my inability to swallow the fact that I somehow managed to remain egregiously unobtrusive in a group, and my inability to get over the hill enough to acquaint myself freely with the professed social circles. I just had my small triumphs for company. Uncherished and unsung, I passed out of college unnoticed. Dwindled into obscurity. Silently and solitarily. One of those last and painful days, when you realize the hollowness of all your achievements, in one of the regular college hangouts, it occurred to me that the time to bid farewell was looming large upon me. I turned left… then right… and peered right ahead into the gloaming…turned right back for a derelict glance. All new faces. Some blushing bright crimson in boisterous revelry, some exultant, some pensively speculative, some cherubic in wholesome beatitude with near and dear, but all new; barely recognisable. I could not say out a single person by his face. This seemed pretty much a way Time found to let me know that his tryst with me in this soil was over; he did not require me any longer; now he was busy in pandering to the wishes and whims of the newer lot. Instead of spending the final days relishing my triumphs with one and all, I had to stare at the ignominy of being left alone with mere glimpses and flashes. All frozen. No warmth of company for them to melt and flow through and no friendly tongues for them to live through. I was the dying King Arthur. Only there was no Bedivere by my side to allay my worst fears. I was King Ashoka surveying the futility of all his conquests. Only, there were no bodies bleeding; my heart was. The lengthening shadows caused the boughs to appear protruding far into the tenebrous twilight. I felt like a stranger in my own land; like a King without a crown. The old order hadst changed, yielding place to new…lest one good custom corrupt the world. By the time I left the place, I was so disillusioned and nauseated with the meretricious gaudiness of the place that there were none of the customary reminiscences that human mind yields to in moments of mental abstraction even after those wonder years. Only incoherent aberrations, inexplicable anacolutha and insignificant blurs. The attrition of innocence and naiveté were the only tidings left for me to glean. I took on the world a callous and hardened individual. After I had allowed the last three drops from my heart to bloody the damp earth… (The author wipes a bead of perspiration off his brow every time he recounts these ramblings of a psenti-semite* he was fortunate (?!) to ‘interact with’ as a fresher in BITS, Pilani. Three-and-a-half years hence, now a psenti-semite himself, he is left wondering whether his fellow psenti-semites are ever plagued by any such strange thoughts…) * A student who is in his final semester on campus
![]() All content on this website (including the writings and design) is licensed under a Creative Commons License and copyrighted -- © 2003 -- by Dileepan Narayanan. The Lost Post Where you can flog me, oops, blog me! Vista © The Jack |