Smaller than Life
Why a blog? Simple. Cacoethes Scribendi -- the urge to write! My literary pretensions and caprices bring me here. Like any writer I write to be read. All my posts, though fettered to my small world and trivially myopic, will live and yearn that somebody connects to them someday. Cognitive frenzies, sardonic musings, aimless banters, incoherent ramblings and trivial indulgences; this is simply an episodic narrative of my trivial world -- in a grain of sand… Smaller than Life.
Graffiti |
When I am dead, - Hillaire Belloc |
This is my letter to the world
Her message is committed - Emily Dickinson |
The thoughts of our past years - William Wordsworth |
Yours Truly
Name: Dileepan Lampoon me at: panvista@gmail.comOn the Stands Stunned Watching pool in Vegas A calypso for the master Spilt tea Willows and Whites Observations on Sachin Tendulkar "Fifty-Five" Poetry A Morning... A Nameless Poem Sheaves on the Shelf January 2011 December 2009 March 2007 August 2006 February 2006 November 2005 October 2005 August 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004 April 2004 March 2004 February 2004 January 2004 December 2003 October 2003 Buy my Book |
Thursday, January 29, 2004
I thought I will post a very amusing incident that occurred last evening. But right now, without a photograph to affix on my bank account opening form, I am not amused. The anecdote will have to wait.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I wrote my previous post because I came to know that yet another of my maudlin friends received this response from a girl whom he loved earnestly and, we all thought, was loved by as well! When yet another Don Juan became a Don Quixote! When the woman you loved tells you, "Let us remain just good friends. Like we've always been.", she means that she does not love you, she had a fair idea that you loved her, she enjoyed being loved, and she wants to continue to enjoy being loved by you because you are the maudlin fool who will continue to be a servile prick without expecting any requite. Nice deal this! It is like : Please scratch my back, but I won't scratch yours because it is dirty!
Sunday, January 25, 2004
It is high time I started cataloguing up my life at least for people who have known me who may take an academic interest in the annals of my small life, if not for anything more. The chronicles of a commoner might also just arouse an iota of curiosity, somewhere down the line, of a fellow member of the human species. Gobbledygook! My mother today dismissed my writing as gobbledygook. Gobbledygook. Yes, that was the very word she used. And quite appositely too, I thought. And she stressed on the importance of lucid writing. At which point my father also stressed on the irrepressible fact that words should merely act as the lens which clarifies the imagery of the canvas to the mind and not as a coloured glass frame which only serves to vitiate the effect of the canvas. Little could I differ from them. But at a sub-conscious level, I only think of this phase of life as the learning phase. Which is why I have not striven to produce serious literature, novels and the like. Once the preparation and the practice is complete and I am well versed with all the uses of the tool, I will be able to brandish it more skilfully. This is precisely why I let myself go really sesquipedalian on my thoughts. I believe that once words begin to cascade like the the limpid stream, temperance is always easier. Limpid and fluid - those are the two caveats. I am just waiting for the day when my writings begin to boast of bombast, perspicuity and perspicacity! I would have learnt, to write (pun intended)! Which one of us pretentious writers has not got up from bed one fine day thought and hoped secretly that our works will survive the 'great deluge' in a corner of the Noah's Ark and serve as important relics for the next civilization?! We writers are a pretentious lot!
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Misconductor This morning I was pushed out of a bus because I dared to thrust up a hundred rupee note for a three rupee ticket! I can imagine the Conductor's consternation when early in the morning he has to deal with a joker who demands a ticket and change for hundred-rupee notes! But he would do well to realise that he isnt doing any social service for him to be at liberty to eclectically pick and choose all the passengers who ought to board the bus. The bus was that of the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation and a mode of public transport. But for the eternally damned law and order system in place, one would have definitely filed for a flagrant violation of human rights law: the right to use a government aided mode of conveyance for the public. After all, technically it is the conductor's job to have ready all denominations of money to render exact change to the passenger. And I was not pestering him for a free ride. I was merely requesting him for some change since, despite my best efforts, I couldn't muster any at all. Anyway, this is no reason for pushing a travelling passenger out of a bus. If anything, he should throw himself out of the bus for failing consummately in his duties as a conductor. It angered me so much that I wanted to pull off a coup by pushing the bugger out of the bus and getting in myself. But I meekly stepped out of the bus and began to wait for the next one! I guess that is one of the compromises that one has to make not so much to reach office early but to conform to the stereotype that the society has set for the peaceable non-interfering corporate employee. I have not been writing my blog for quite a few days. That was because I was diverting all my energies to the composition of mails to Professors requesting them for a Research Assistantship. By the way, I don't think I have told you: I have been offered admission by the Ohio State University. I am delighted. My delight was partly because I was quite certain about a reject. None of my friends or fellow student have made it and so it was quite certain that I too receive a reject. The past few days have seen some serendipitous windfalls and I hope it gathers enough to cause an avalanche!
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Dust unto dust I lay... The past week has been my lowest trough in terms of creativity. I should never want to write my blog like this any more. The venomous spite in my blogs has apalled me today. I realised today that this is slowly transmogrifying me into a vicious cannibal. The malicious vehemence in my emotions have shocked my own self. Truth is like the sun, R K Narayan wrote. A wise man he was. Just as I wouldn't want to fly to the sun and have my wings scorched, I will not succumb to these insurgences of insanity and shall try to refrain from callowly venting out all my personal gripe and seeking hollow retribution in such a rusticated manner. This has led to the attrition of all my finesse. I will look to write about worthier things and lend myself more polish. The abyss cannot get deeper...
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Mr. SOD There are three categories of people, I have managed to gather from my little experience. He belongs to the third. There are some people who never seem to commit a mistake at all; the ennobled lot. At best he could be the perfect antithesis to them! There are some who invariably land up in a muddle with even the most elementary of matters and end up collapsing on the sofa and plangently lamenting. He is too obstinate to fall under this one. The above two are exaggerations of common household stereotypes. The third is the rarest. And he belongs to the third. What can you say about an obstinate pig who always makes sure that he panders to each one of his caprices, and manipulates all his decision with a certain finesse so that his whims are all catered to? And what can you say about a stubborn mule that is too proud to step on trodden ways, treads down the wrong path, stumbles even as pride goes after a fall, and still manages to get up and strut proudly after wiping off the dirt from it's backside? I will henceforth call him the SOD - the Self Opinionated Dick. Mr. SOD, ever too big for his boots, will never concede to a blunder. Nor will he try to emend the situation. He is the laziest prick I have seen on the face of this earth. And much to the others' consternation he succeeds in perpetuating all his languor to everyone around him. He is so snobbish and finicky that, at times I muse, he would have made a good self-opinionated self-righteous Pom. What aggravates my indignation is that there are some jackasses that follow him blindly and seem to relish the smell of his tail and backside. After all what can I say about the one-eyed man in the land of blind men! I think I shall just let him be! And just let them be! And may all of them wallow in the sodden ideas of Mr. SOD! There may be infinitely many spelling and typographical and even grammatical incongruities in my blog simply because I do not care to spell-check and scrutinise each posting of mine for errors. Why, this two-line disclaimer could end up having a thousand errors! Bangalore beckons... Bangalore lures me with all the finesse of a Janus faced strumpet. The salubrious clime, friendly autorikshawwallahs, a cornucopia of South-Indian eatouts - they all cater to my South-Indian disposition. The weather is invigorating and salubrious. To have the early morning cool breeze on your face is simply exhilarating. The people are friendly too. The autorikshawwallahs do not grudge to charge by their autorickshaw meters. The people dont try to bulldoze you out of sight (like in Delhi and a few other places in the North). You can come across a lot of people who speak Tamil in addition to their vernacular (Whew! What a relief!). I must admit, against all my earnest secular intentions, that the traditional 'indhango sir', 'vaango', 'pongo' dialect of Tamil appeals to my Brahminical instincts and is music to my ears! It is not as politically motivated as, say Delhi or Chennai, probably because most of the people here are a part of the non-interfering corporate sectors. They say that Bangalore was full of looters and petty vandals but all that seems to have vanished without a trace (I am not really qualified enough to say that, but I'll let it go!). You can find scores of people thronging outside discotheques and pubs. Pubs. I do not know what strange fascinations they hold for even the dis'spirit'ed few. Even the teetotallers seem to frequent the bars for all kinds of odd reasons! I thought the other day that Bangalore is like a whore that tries to sell herself to dreamy-eyed adolescents. Apparently Ms. Nimbus had gone to a disco with her guy the other day. I asked her to tell me what she thought of it. Shocking was what she said, though I am sure she must have enjoyed herself. None of that for me though, at least for the time being, while I 'face-off' with the Janus faced strumpet.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Have spent the whole of the day saving my archives, creating a new blog and re-posting all the posts on the new blog and correcting the time and date of posting to the original date, since the Rod Lord confirmed my worst fears about the consequences of publishing the blog in my name. Whew! What a waste of time!
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Today, being another off-day, was distinctly better. Got a call from The Runic Ode early in the morning. The talk was very pleasant and revitalising! Talking to her drove away my early morning languor. I really wonder about the extent to which I should personalise my views posted here. I decided I will not get very personal for obvious reasons. My mind, I agree, is am open book for all those who know me well enough. But it is time I placed a check on this growing number! I also thought sometime back that I should expatiate on only 'worthy' thoughts and ideologies and not bother to catalogue up mundane events of the day. But I am beginning to feel more and more that expressing my views on ideologies makes me rather vehement about my stand. The vehemence that surfaces in my writings only makes me more vehement about my stand after a reading or two. I feel that becoming so opinionated will rob me of the panoramic perspective that I try to retain and will do my already myopic thoughts little good. Hence, I feel I should not refrain from penning down my daily chores if that is all that my mind has bargained for at that moment.
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Today was my first off-day. It has been pretty much that. Did precious little other than staying in my room and sleeping right through a major part of the late morning and sleeping right through the afternoon. In all, a dull and dreary day. I recalled today that I had propounded an interesting theory about why love at first sight can never succeed in the fullest sense of the term for all practical purposes or something of the sort. It was a carefully built proof which drew stepwise conclusions by deductively considerations and eliminations. Shall post it on the blog when I have recollected it completely and revised the cases thoroughly!
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
I have been really chauvinistic and jingoistic in my views in the last post (which I have removed) and have summarily lambasted the South-Indian Women . I would like to clarify that my views are highly motivated and are dangerous for a sane man if taken at face value. In fact, as all rules do, the above categorical condescension sure has its exceptions. In fact, the exceptions to the rule may turn out to be more than the rule itself. I would like to add that I have my own reasons for my pejorative and belittling remarks - I have been at the receiving end of such shyly adulterous rabid vixens myself - and the piece was merely for some sanctimonious self-gratification - gratification of my tortured soul. Self-Righteous Indignation 'Have fun' seems to be the punchline in i2. I believe there is much debugging to be completed. But you can see most of the seats in the office empty. You can also find most of the snack-stalls in the cafeteria empty (should I say, emptied)! I am enveloped by all kinds of noises from people chatting gleefully everywhere, oblivious of the work to be done. That is disturbing all my concentration. For I, in all sanctimonious indignation, am doing some religious debugging; I am spell-checking all my mails! After all at the end of the day, I too am in i2 ! If my fingers could type to the speed of my mind... Times have been very few when I have not whined: "If only my fingers could type to the speed of my mind!" There have been millions of seeds of thoughts which have gone unsown; many a canvas that has evanesced in the face of time; many a dew that has melted into nothingness without being touched... If only my fingers could type to the speed of my mind!
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
I spend so much time reading and re-reading my works that sometimes I get myself into tortuous labyrinthine paths of retrospection and appraisal. Which is why, I would think I am not as prolific a writer as I want to be. In fact, I am not a prolific writer at all. But at times I wonder if one should aim to be a prolific writer at all. That would only mean that the cliches would be more and more inescapable. Of course, if one is naturally gifted and inclined to fill out scores of sheets, it is quite another thing. But for an aspiring writer, it would be the most futile of attempts to attempt to write a lot. For one, the insurgent need to just write may end up looming large, drowning the actual thought in the writing. Perspicacity would be blunted as well. Next, in an attempt to write a lot, he might broach oft-written hackneyed topics and rub off the gloss of his own writings. Not for nothing have the wise said: Brevity is the soul of wit. Taking Guard Before I write anymore, I feel I must clarify my stand and my perception of this blogging business. So far the readers of my blog (if any) will have seen me treat my blog only as a webspace where I post my essays and articles. Also, the essays till now have not had stray typographical errors (I hope!). I am beginning to feel more and more that I am wasting this golden opportunity to pen down anything and everything that crosses my mind by publishing eclectically the choicest articles alone. From now on I shall try to amend the situation and try to treat the blog as a 'blog' in the fullest sense of the term. The views that you may find from now on may be radical, even rabid. But I shall sanctimoniously not hold myself entirely culpable for to me they will just be a vent for my cognitive frenzies and hence only spasmodic spurts of mental abstraction. I shall not spare the blog henceforth of either my momentary frenzies or my 'emotions-recollected-in-tranquillity-the-cognoscente's-delight' kind of compilations.
Thursday, January 01, 2004
![]() All content on this website (including the writings and design) is licensed under a Creative Commons License and copyrighted -- © 2003 -- by Dileepan Narayanan. The Lost Post Where you can flog me, oops, blog me! Vista © The Jack |