Smaller than Life
Why a blog? Simple. Cacoethes Scribendi -- the urge to write! My literary pretensions and caprices bring me here. Like any writer I write to be read. All my posts, though fettered to my small world and trivially myopic, will live and yearn that somebody connects to them someday. Cognitive frenzies, sardonic musings, aimless banters, incoherent ramblings and trivial indulgences; this is simply an episodic narrative of my trivial world -- in a grain of sand… Smaller than Life.
Graffiti |
When I am dead, - Hillaire Belloc |
This is my letter to the world
Her message is committed - Emily Dickinson |
The thoughts of our past years - William Wordsworth |
Yours Truly
Name: Dileepan Lampoon me at: panvista@gmail.comOn the Stands Stunned Watching pool in Vegas A calypso for the master Spilt tea Willows and Whites Observations on Sachin Tendulkar "Fifty-Five" Poetry A Morning... A Nameless Poem Sheaves on the Shelf January 2011 December 2009 March 2007 August 2006 February 2006 November 2005 October 2005 August 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004 April 2004 March 2004 February 2004 January 2004 December 2003 October 2003 Buy my Book |
Friday, June 24, 2005
Anachronistic Flashes "It is customary to make three pradhakshinas or nine. I am stopping with three. You can go ahead and make nine if you want," she looked up at him and elaborated, before her lotus feet proceeded on the marble alleys of the Saraswathi temple to circumambulate the goddess deity a last time. The boy followed her. The truant wind could all but contend himself with the smell of the red earth and raindrops: he wafted the scent of the jasmines from the neat plait of her oiled hair across the alley. The spell had been cast. Her dark green duppatta, immaculately pinned over the left shoulder of her dark green chudidhar, fluttered gently in the gust as she looked out for a second at the pouring rain. Myriad droplets thrashed against her powdered face as more dots adorning the dotted vermillion and neat ash. And her countenance, for a second, belying her calm, appeared ruffled by the tiny droplets. Were the six more rounds of God worth the separation?
![]() All content on this website (including the writings and design) is licensed under a Creative Commons License and copyrighted -- © 2003 -- by Dileepan Narayanan. The Lost Post Where you can flog me, oops, blog me! Vista © The Jack |